Did you think communicators only know about communications? Not quite enough for us, I’m afraid. In reality, us “B2B ghostwriters” need to continuously learn about new industries, trends, technologies, and products, including green and circular economy.
Machine translation – does it work yet?
We’ve all used Google Translate to write a short message or answer to a friend abroad in their own language, which has made them very happy and us appear more sophisticated than we actually are. GT is a great machine translation tool for that…
Onko yrityksesi viestintä kestävää? Tarkista ainakin nämä 5 perusasiaa
On hienoa, että yritykset ottavat yhteiskunta- ja ympäristövastuunsa vakavasti, ryhtyvät konkreettisiin tekoihin ja raportoivat toiminnastaan ohjeistusten mukaan. Kun vastuullisuus on hanskassa, siitä kannattaa ehdottomasti viestiä firman sisällä ja ulospäin. GRI:n periaatteita noudattavat raportit ja vuosikertomukset eivät kuitenkaan vielä takaa, että yrityksen viestintä on kestävää. Vastuuviestintä on vain osa kokonaisuutta. Olen[…]
Working from summer home
Anybody who has ever worked from home knows how distracting it can be. There are all those important papers you have to read first and then the laundry to do. Folding underwear suddenly becomes utterly important, even if you work all day – or all week – in pajamas. (A[…]
When do you have your holidays?
People ask me. Hmm, that’s a tricky question. I’m kind of having my holidays right now, because it’s summer in Finland you know, but at the same time I’m getting more work than during the rest of the year. The reason for this is that when big companies’ personnel retreats[…]
Towards Multilingual Intelligence
Nordic Translation Industry Forum #NTIF2017 was held in Helsinki. Thank you for bringing it over, A-M and Cecilia! I was a newbie, meaning this was my first time to attend NTIF. The conference is targeted at the agency side of the industry, but its program did offer a bit of[…]
METM15: versatility and readiness for new challenges
My expectations for the Mediterranean Editors and Translators’ annual conference from 28 to 31 October 2015 at the University of Coimbra in Portugal, were high.
KITES 2014: The Future of Language Services
I know. I am terribly late with my report. But here it comes. If you want to see to the future of language services, have a look at global GDP development and the digital content explosion in the Asia-Pacific area in non-native English. Automated normalization of English may be the[…]
Color, light, innovation
My sniffing the future trends continues. This time from the point of view of light, colors and related innovation and design. To compensate for the “noise” created by crowds, traffic, information overflow, mobile virtual reality, and the entire semiotic universe, we yearn for peace and quiet; an emptier space to[…]
METM13: Gate opens to new grounds
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. But not where the gate opens in the beautiful Poblet of Tarragona. Warm weather kept with us all the way through METM13, the ninth (my first) annual meeting of Mediterranean Editors and Translators that offered top-professional perspectives on language, culture and[…]