Season’s greetings 2012. Thank you for your cooperation, happy holidays, and the best of luck for 2013 from Cape Context. Our gift money has been donated to international organizations Interpedia and Plan that promote the wellbeing of children.

Season’s greetings 2012. Thank you for your cooperation, happy holidays, and the best of luck for 2013 from Cape Context. Our gift money has been donated to international organizations Interpedia and Plan that promote the wellbeing of children.
About the importance of quality translations, now with subtitles in Swedish, English and Sámi. Click CC/Transcript on YouTube.
Tämä merkillisen merkityksellinen viestinnän väline tuppaa asiatekstin, kapulakielen, ehtaenglannin ja kaikenlaisen kielenhuollon lomassa ammattilaiseltakin unohtumaan. Nyt supisuomi on taas tuoreena mielessä, kun SKTL eli Suomen kääntäjien ja tulkkien liitto järjesti jäsenilleen Suomen toistaiseksi suurimman suomentamista käsittelevän seminaarin Helsingin Salmisaaressa.
Last Friday was the second open workshop for editors and translators in the Language Centre of the University of Helsinki that I’ve participated so far. We were fortunate to hear from a very experienced specialist of academic writing in English and a teacher at the University of Helsinki Medical Faculty,[…]
Stephen Fry’s kinetic typography video: so captivating, so true.
Customer satisfaction has come up a lot lately. Both in the interviews I’ve done for clients and through personal experience. And not in a good way, unfortunately, regarding the latter.
Think of Spain, and what do you see? Crowded beaches, paella, flamenco dancers? Yes, so did I before getting to know Asturias on the north coast. It’s another, much fresher world altogether. Did you know that the Rockies of Europe take place in Spain?
Pääsin pitkästä aikaa puhumaan itsestäni, mikä on nykyisin jo ihan mukavaa. Tai no, enemmän kuitenkin ammatillisesta puolesta, jos näitä kahta voi tai edes kannattaa erottaa. On hienoa, kun tällaisia tilaisuuksia siunaantuu, koska niissä voi paitsi antaa myös saada. Siis tutustua saman alan ihmisiin, keskustella, vuorovaikuttaa ja ammentaa lisää näkemystä. Kerta[…]
Back in 2004, the steel industry was demanding new advances in technology. Italian machinery provider Ficep decided to adapt its fast beam-drilling machines with milling capabilities. This allowed progressive manufacturing companies to scribe on a steel beam all information that was needed to automatically fit the beam to the production[…]
London’s skyline is transforming into a fine collection of striking skyscrapers with bread-and-butter aliases: The Gherkin, Helter Skelter, Cloud, Boomerang, Three Sisters, Walkie-Talkie, Cheese Grater, Shard… what’s next, the Toilet Brush? In addition to titillating nicknames, what these projects have in common is the necessity to use the latest construction[…]