The half-stripped trees struck by a wind together, bending all, the leaves flutter drily and refuse to let go… With the always-so-appropriate words by William Carlos Williams, it is time to thank you all for another busy and interesting year in business and hope that we can do the same all over again in 2016! Merry[…]
Travel blog: Madrid es, simplemente, mejor!
Among the southern capitals of Europe, compared to Paris and Rome, my encounter with Madrid was really pleasant. I already know that Spanish people are friendly, and Madrileños seemed even friendlier than usual. Everybody was more than eager to give directions – with or without actual knowledge of the location[…]
Color, light, innovation
My sniffing the future trends continues. This time from the point of view of light, colors and related innovation and design. To compensate for the “noise” created by crowds, traffic, information overflow, mobile virtual reality, and the entire semiotic universe, we yearn for peace and quiet; an emptier space to[…]
Season’s Greetings 2013
All the complicated details of the attiring and
There’s no place like home: travel blog Helsinki
Sure it’s nice to travel abroad and share your exotic sights and experiences in a blog. You don’t always have to go far to find a perfect vacation, however. Approach your hometown like you were on holiday, and you’ll feel it differently just by changing your mindset and routine. An[…]
My Tales of the Bay: travel blog San Francisco
I’ve always wanted to go to and travel blog San Francisco. It’s a magical city built on high hills like only a few others in the world and connected to the surrounding areas by amazing suspension bridges. It is the home of the hippies and beatniks and other exciting phenomena[…]
Season’s Greetings 2012 / Hyvää joulua!
Season’s greetings 2012. Thank you for your cooperation, happy holidays, and the best of luck for 2013 from Cape Context. Our gift money has been donated to international organizations Interpedia and Plan that promote the wellbeing of children.