
Updated: Creating concepts and writing for magazines

A well-made magazine, print and/or digital, is a gift and a service to the readers. Finnish companies and organizations publish magazines to unify, target and enhance their messaging. Together with my partner agency Taskut we have created concepts, designed publications, and produced issues of magazines that consider the motives and needs of various stakeholder groups.

Finnish real estate development company Renor’s Re magazine was first published in print, then developed into a modern web and mobile optimized publication that allows readers to like, comment, rate, and share articles in a more engaging way. The idea of the magazine is to introduce the field of community development through great content, stories about the personal experiences of interesting people, inspiring project highlights, and attractive, design-oriented visual elements. Re magazine is to expand and channel the content of the Renor website, and its visual identity follows the rough, industrial, renewed look and feel of the brand.

Read Re Magazine in Finnish…

Nordic real estate management company Genesta created their &Life Magazine to engage and provide interesting content to tenant companies and other stakeholder groups. I have been given the opportunity to localize and edit the Finnish PDF and print version of the magazine to better address the interests of Finnish readers. The magazine focuses on sustainability, well-being, technological innovation, and design.

Read &Life magazine content in Finnish…

Finnish Tikkurila Group offers a broad range of decorative paints for consumers and professionals for surface protection and decoration. In Finland, in addition to quality products and technical services, the company caters to its customers and other stakeholders by communicating industry matters through their own magazine: Tikkurilan Viesti (“Tikkurila’s Message”). Published since 1929, the magazine concept was renewed in the end of 2014, and it is now part of the Group’s multi-channelled content system for industry professionals. A print version is produced twice a year, but its articles and other content live on throughout the year via web stories and posts in social media. Tikkurila trusts their communication partner to maintain a professional and journalistic perspective in the magazine production process to best serve the interests of their readers.

Read Tikkurilan Viesti in Finnish…

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