
I’m so blogsited

So I finally have my own blog. I’m so excited. Blogsited or “blogs(c)ited”, actually. This site is mostly for professional use, of course, to show what I do as a writer, translator, editor, communicator… but also for fun. To share whatever I am currently interested in or inspired by and what I think other people could be interested in, too.

Such as the possibilities of this site template. With the help of my favorite web designer, these pages are built on one of the latest – and best, if we may say so –  WordPress templates and offer a great many social media and other type of options for various kinds of content.

There’s a specific post type for quotes, for example, which I love to search for and update daily according to a certain theme. Now I can do it in my own Cape Context, not only via the Facebook or Twitter profiles.

Lately I’ve been posting quotes by famous or not-so-famous but wise or clever people born on the current date. Some days are better for this than others. Today, for example, on the February 29th i.e. the Leap Day that only occurs every fourth year, the only interesting people I found born on this date were serial killers. What a serial killer has said might be really interesting but is it really okay to spread their words and thus help make them more famous? Is it okay to become famous by killing other people? I don’t think so but you tell me.

I started to write about the possibilities of a blogsite and ended up in serial killers. This is what happens when a person, who has always written what other people want or need to be written, is given the freedom to write whatever she wants. I get so blogsited!

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