
Season’s Greetings 2016

It’s been a good year, my fourth full time in this business, and I’m looking forward to many more ahead together with you my dear clients and partners. Thank you for your continuing trust in my services and all the best to your endeavors in 2017! Regarding gifts, cards and donations, Cape Context consistently supports the Red Cross and Interpedia. I hope you have a great cause to support, too. This year I’m quoting a poem by Wallace Stevens (1879-1955). It is called The Snow Man, which I interpret to include Snow Women and Snow Persons, too. Please click the photo below to make it bigger.

On the ice in Kustavi

One must have a mind of winter

To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

And have been cold a long time
To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
The spruces rough in the distant glitter

Of the January sun; and not to think
Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
In the sound of a few leaves,

Which is the sound of the land
Full of the same wind
That is blowing in the same bare place

For the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

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